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The WHO says the pandemic is
“far from over”. As Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO’s director-general, said on 10th March,
“The virus continues to evolve, and we continue to face major obstacles in distributing vaccines, tests and treatments everywhere they are needed.”
At the same time the UK’s Health Secretary Sajid Javid says there’s no need to worry about the rise in cases we’re seeing right now, because the surge we’re seeing was ‘expected’ following the removal of covid restrictions. And a new report from Nature Medicine reveals much higher risks of long term cardiovascular problems for everyone who has had the virus, whatever their age, state of health, gender or anything else.
We’re all vulnerable. So who do you believe when it comes to covid safety advice?
Do you trust politicians’ advice about covid?
Even as a person who naturally trusts politicians, it isn’t necessarily a good idea to listen to medical advice from MPs and world leaders. However trustworthy they may be their agenda could not be more different from the medical and science professions.
Politicians want the economy to recover, and fast. They would prefer everyone to return to work and stay there for good. They want everything to go back to normal as soon as possible, and that’s the message they broadcast.
Scientists and medical experts, on the other hand, have a different focus, a human focus. They put human health and well-being first. And right now they’re saying it’s a good idea to avoid covid like the plague it still actually is!
We know which group we trust. It’s the medical experts. Here’s just one reason why. As a new report reveals, even a mild case of covid can boost your risk of cardiovascular problems for at least a year after diagnosis. In fact the risk of some nasty conditions, including heart failure and stroke, are ‘substantially higher’ in people who have recovered from covid than in those who hadn’t had the virus. As the lead researcher on the study said: “It doesn’t matter if you are young or old, it doesn’t matter if you smoked, or you didn’t, the risk was there.”
Drug-resistant covid mutation laid at the feet of one treatment
Sotrovimab, a treatment for severe covid, might lie at the heart of why covid is acquiring mutations to help it resist the drug. The medicine neutralises the covid spike protein the virus uses to get into cells. In some patients in Australia, covid developed spike mutations 6-13 days after being given sotrovimab. The genetic changes are dramatic enough to make the drug ‘effectively inactive’, and the finding has led to calls for ‘increased genomic surveillance’ around the use of sotrovimab. As one expert said, the last thing we need is a
“resistant virus disseminating in the community, because that will mean that a lot of other people can’t use this drug.”
How we’ll support reliable covid safety at your workplace
So let’s talk covid disinfection. How can we help you? We’ll provide the exact right number and kind of UVC covid killing lamps for your premises. Some of them disinfect the upper layer of air safely while people are in a ventilated space, others safely disinfect even more widely and effectively whenever people leave the room, something the lamps pick up via sensors.
We can make any size or shape of space safe for people to work or shop, get treatment, meet up, enjoy entertainment, you name it. They’re easy to fit and come with almost no maintenance. And they’re cheap to run, using low-energy LEDs.
Thanks to our proven UVC technology we help people like you keep your employees, customers, and other visitors safe when they’re at your place.