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It’s exactly like a game of ‘Whac-A-Mole’. We deal with covid in one place, it springs up in another. Last week the ‘stealth omicron’ variant started spreading fast in China. Faced with the biggest spike in two years, with cases tripling in just one day, some of the country’s biggest aluminium plants have shut down. In response we’re already seeing fresh global supply chain problems. Now more than ever, it’s clear that reliable covid disinfection matters. Here’s what’s been going on around the world.
UK’s Health Secretary says the rise in covid infections is ‘expected’
Thanks to the recent easing of all covid restrictions, the
UK’s Health Secretary Sajid Javid says the rise in cases we’re seeing has been ‘expected’. He says it’s ‘nothing to worry about’. Scientists disagree. See the report we’ve mentioned at the end of this article, talking about enhanced risks of cardiovascular problems for people who’ve had the virus, whatever their age or state of health.
Irish Times fears At Patrick’s Day super-spreader surge
Ireland case numbers are soaring, leaving officials concerned about the potential impact of this year’s St Patrick’s Day celebrations. Hospitals there are experiencing more cases than they’ve seen since mid-January. Senator Jerry Buttimer says mask-wearing in shops and on public transport should be made compulsory again.
One immunology expert from Trinity College Dublin calls the current sharp rise in cases and hospitalisations ‘concerning’. Others say because the rate of hospitalisations is still low, there’s no need to worry. So what do people do in the face of such contradictory information? It’s a tough call.
US covid response slammed
Some say the USA was originally the best equipped to deal with a pandemic when covid first hit. But the country’s covid response has been ‘plagued by failures’ according to
The Guardian. They ask whether the USA will fare any better in the next pandemic, something that’s a certainty rather than a maybe.
Ukraine war will make covid worse
There are fears the war in Ukraine will have a negative impact on covid, making things even worse. While cases in the region are down compared to the week before there is a ‘significant risk’ of ‘more severe disease and death’ thanks to low vaccination rates in Ukraine. The millions of people who have fled the invading Russian forces also have low vaccination rates of just 34%. Neighbouring Moldova is even worse at 29% according to
Our World In Data.
New report highlights common covid cardio-vascular problems
There have been some new findings about the virus and its impact on our long term cardio vascular health. A new report published by the top scientific journal Nature Medicine reveals an ‘explosive’ set of facts about the long-term impact of covid. The report reveals those who have had even a mild form of covid are much more likely to develop heart related conditions.
Dr Ziyad-Aly, one of the report’s lead authors, said:
“What we found is that people with COVID-19 across the board had a much higher risk of cardiovascular problems and that included strokes and TIAs including abnormal heart rhythms.”
The enhanced risk of
“heart conditions and heart failure” was apparently “evident across all groups regardless of age, sex, gender, ethnicity, and regardless of whether not they had any cardiovascular risk factors”.
You can read more about the research here.
It’s time to make your premises safe for everyone
The situation in China says it all. The report we’ve just mentioned seals the deal. Covid isn’t a disease you want to mess with. Everyone who visits your premises deserves to be kept as safe as possible against the virus. We can do that for you, and it won’t cost you an arm and a leg. Our covid killing UVC LED lamps are safe, affordable, and highly effective.