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Scenario one: your business suffers because people are continually off work with the common cold, flu, and norovirus. Scenario two:
you’ve fitted UVC disinfection units at work and the number of sick days has plummeted. Which would you prefer? Probably the second scenario! Here’s what you need to know.
UK worker sickness stats for 2022
First, let’s look at the numbers. According to the
Office of National Statistics, 2022 saw the nation’s sickness absence rate rise to 2.6%, up 0.4% on 2021 and the highest it has been since 2004’s 2.7%. In total an eye-watering estimated 185.6 million working days were lost thanks to illness and injuries, another record-breaker. The number of days lost per worker was 5.7 and the most common reason was ‘minor illnesses’ at just over 29% of the total: colds, coughs, nausea, and diarrhoea.
While every age group in 2022 saw a rise in sick leave, women, older people, those with long-term health issues, part-time workers and those in the care, leisure, and other service jobs suffered the most. Ben Keighley from the social media recruitment specialist Socially Recruited said the numbers reveal the UK is the ‘sick man of Europe’, leaving the government facing an uphill battle to deal with the national productivity crisis we’re facing.
As everyone who operates a business knows, when employees are healthy, production levels improve. So if you can help keep your workers healthy, you’ll enjoy an advantage over your competitors. Imagine a world where a single cycle of surprisingly simple technology dramatically reduces viruses and pathogens on all surfaces, and in the air. You avoid problems with staff healthcare, sick pay, days off, lost production, and reduced profits.
This is our world, and more businesses are joining us every day.
Why is our tech better than crews of human cleaners?
Imagine how long it would take for a team of cleaners to go through your office or factory with cleaning products, sprays and cloths, getting rid of pathogens on every surface? There’s more. It isn’t a one-off. They have to keep the place clean constantly throughout the working day.
‘Impossible’ isn’t a bad way to describe the challenge when you’re faced with multiple surfaces, infected air, and cleaning products that get rid of stains and dirt but don’t necessarily disinfect as well. You’ll need a lot of cleaners, a lot of cleaning products, powerful disinfectants and a lot of time – and that means a lot of money.
Fit our units instead and they’ll sit quietly in the background
doing an exceptional job of killing a massive list of pathogens. Some of our units fit neatly into existing lighting, others are portable, but they all deliver outstanding results to keep people and place safe from infections. So while your competitors are struggling to cope thanks to the latest in a string of colds, flu and tummy bugs, your employees are still at work, happy that they’re being looked after so well.
A clean, safe working environment means you’ll also be able to attract - and keep - the best employees. And it gives you a unique benefit to talk about in your marketing materials. If that sounds good, let’s talk.
PS. You might also like to explore our evaporative cooling technologies, the perfect way to keep people cool and comfortable in an ever-warming climate.