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As winter approaches, covid is back on the menu. The flu season is also approaching and there are worries about how serious this year’s impact will be. Australia has just seen a boom in flu cases this time around - will we see the same in the southern hemisphere? Read on to see what’s happening with covid and flu as we descend into winter 2022.
Australia has had a terrible flu season – Will we see the same?
The 2022 Aussie flu season was a nightmare. Experts predict this doesn’t bode well for the USA, which is about to enter its own flu season, as is the UK.
Flu usually causes between 140,000 to 710,000 hospitalisations worldwide, and as many as 52,000 deaths. Covid squashed flu flat, with comparatively few cases during 2020 and 2021. But spring 2022 saw the annual flu surge flu arrive early in Australia, and other countries in the Southern Hemisphere experienced the same. It was a particularly bad one. Will we suffer a similar experience over here?
Because covid has always been so poorly controlled in the USA, the seasonal flu outlook over there is dire, as are predictions about the US winter covid spike. If covid and flu spike at the same time, things could get nasty.
Australia’s flu experience for 2022
The flu season Down Under was very busy indeed. At 14th August there were 216,725 lab-confirmed flu cases, a lot more than previous years. Lab-confirmed cases usually represent the tip of the iceberg, and because some people don’t even know they’ve got the flu, being silent carriers, things could actually be a lot worse.
So far Australia has seen 273 influenza-associated deaths. Since April 2022 there have been 1666 flu-related hospital admissions, 6.4% directly to intensive care. The numbers come from a handful of ‘sentinel’ hospitals that collect the data, so the true number will be higher.
There’s another potential problem. Knowing which flu strains are circulating in the southern hemisphere drives the vaccines we make for the northern hemisphere. So far nobody knows whether this season’s vaccines will be a good enough match. It’s too early to tell, but fingers crossed they will be. Add the inevitable threat of an autumn covid wave and you can see why people are worried. Will we have a ‘twindemic’ of covid and flu?
How mask wearing and distancing kept flu at bay in 2020 and 21
Mask wearing and social distancing helped keep flu at bay during the covid pandemic. Reduced travel and other covid precautions also helped. That’s why we haven’t seen a winter twindemic so far, according to the USA’s CDC. This winter is different. Most people aren’t wearing masks. Other covid precautions have mostly disappeared. And every time precautions have been relaxed, wherever you are in the world, covid has surged afterwards. There’s no good reason why it won’t happen again.
You really don’t want to get covid and flu at the same time, giving your immune system twice the fight. The NHS is predicted to suffer shortages of staff and resources during the coming surge, if it happens. What goes on in your body if you think you’ve got flu but it’s actually covid? Or the other way around? They can be pretty similar. You can understand how risky the situation is at the moment.
Prepare for surges with our covid-killer and flu-killing tech
It’s important to prepare ourselves for the next potential covid surge - and for a worse-than-usual flu season. Experts say we need to bring back masks and distancing, and start vaccinating the vulnerable asap. Your business can do its bit by protecting people against flu and covid. Our covid killing, flu destroying fixtures and fittings are low cost, cheap to run thanks to LED bulbs, and do an excellent job of destroying the DNA and RNA of covid and flu.
If you’d like to do the decent thing and protect your employees and customers from both diseases, which also means you protect your bottom line better, give us a call and we’ll help you make it so.