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Here in the UK we stand at the forefront of international equine breeding, and the sector provides almost 20,000 jobs to the economy. When a disease raises its ugly head horses have to be isolated and can’t compete. The last thing you need is a disease on the premises.
A major outbreak of equine flu had serious implications for horses and their owners, followed by an equally serious outbreak of equine herpes virus that prevented almost 4000 horses from competing, blocked on the Federation Equine International list. It also led to international competitions being shut down in twelve EU nations.
So it’s great to know UVC technology comes with all sort of benefits for the equine industry, keeping facilities safer for the horses themselves as well as for the people who care for and work with them. Here’s how our brilliant UVC tech will help future-proof your equine business while your competitors struggle.
Our simple, low cost, highly effective UVC tech can be used to sanitize high traffic areas and high touch areas, places like offices and show facilities. A mobile room UV sterilizer might be your best choice to kill bacteria, moulds and viruses across the premises, or one or more fixed units of different types. You might find a unit fixed inside the ventilation and air conditioning ducts will make a big difference, or you might go for a combination.
You can fit our UVC sanitization units in any room where you want to disinfect the air and surfaces. UVC lamps at the right wavelength will disinfect a room in just a few minutes to give you a safer premises, a place with reliably pathogen-free air. The rays eliminate 99.9% of bacteria, viruses, moulds and other threats to human and horse health. Turn the units on and they start killing pathogens instantly.
Horse-led businesses face a constant risk of infectious diseases, particularly those transmitted via aerosol pathogens like Equine Influenza, Equine Herpes virus and Streptococcus Equi, also called Strangles. The tech also benefits horse quarantine facilities.
While there isn’t a lot of research about UVC light’s ability to kill off equine-specific strains of herpes and flu, there’s a wealth of studies, evidence and research revealing how well UVC light inactivates viruses, bacteria and fungi in general, and human forms of flu and streptococcus. There’s absolutely no scientific reason to think it doesn’t have the same impact on horse diseases.
Our units give you a convenient way to expose enclosed areas where horses gather and live to the UVC light that kills equine diseases. Every project is unique so the first step is to establish exactly what you need at your place, something we do as a matter of course.
Once you’ve eliminated aerosol and surface pathogens, the risk of them spreading from human to horse and horse-to-horse plummets. UV light complements your physical cleaning perfectly, too. You can shine it on grooming tools, tack and feed buckets as well as surfaces and the air, so they don’t end up becoming disease carriers.
All of our devices create a controlled UVC zone where the air is continuously disinfected, and because they’re designed with safety in mind neither horses nor humans can be over exposed to the light.
Give us a call if you’d like to know more about how UVC will keep your business going when others are forced to stop until an equine disease runs its course. We think you’ll find it an inspiring conversation.