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Did you see the news about several NHS Trusts temporarily stopping using nitrous oxide, commonly called laughing gas, for women giving birth? The Trusts have taken action because they’re worried about medical staff being exposed to harmful levels of the gas in the workplace; according to The Times nitrous oxide at concentrations as much as 50 times more than safe levels have been found in some NHS units. At the same time many hospitals rarely open their windows because of fears around hygiene and spiralling heating costs, so that isn’t going to solve the issue of nitrous oxide build-ups.
Some are calling the Trusts’ actions excessive. Some are saying the NHS is using a sledgehammer to crack a nut. We say everyone’s wellbeing matters, and we have a sensible solution. There’s an affordable, safe, fast and simple way to clean the air in healthcare settings including maternity units, potentially bringing fresh-scrubbed air into every hospital in the country. All Trusts need to do is combine effective ventilation with the power of UVC.
Why the NHS withdrew ‘gas and air’ from maternity units
The Princess Alexandra hospital in Essex is just one of the places that suspended the use of Entonox gas in February. While the hospital has ordered machines to make the gas harmless, they only have three machines at the moment. So they’ve had to say they can’t offer gas and air to everyone who would like it, prioritising it on a case-by-case basis.
While there’s no risk to pregnant women or babies as long as they’re not subjected to ‘prolonged exposure’ to nitrous oxide, midwives spend a lot of time in maternity units. They could ultimately suffer infertility, a lack of Vitamin B12 which can lead to brain and nerve damage, numb hands and feet, a weak immune system, hallucinations, psychosis, anaemia, incontinence, limb spasms and more.
A constant flow of clean, fresh, scrubbed air for maternity wards
As well as highly effective UVC disinfection, we are experts in ventilation. We believe the solution is an intelligent blend of appropriate ventilation and safe UVC disinfection, perfect for this kind of context where clean air isn’t just important for everyone’s comfort but is also essential for hygiene. If you’ve ever walked into a hospital ward, recoiled from the awful ‘dead-air-tinged-with-goodness knows-what’ smell and wondered how anyone could recover in a place like that, you’ll appreciate where we’re coming from.
So the first step for hospitals is to put air changes into areas at risk of toxic gas build-ups, so they can safely offer gas and air to women in labour while providing a safe workplace for employees.
About evaporative cooling – Uses 90% less energy than ordinary aircon
As the executive director of the Royal College of Midwives told The Times, poor ventilation in delivery suites is just the tip of the iceberg in maternity units. Luckily the clean air and disinfection side of things is resolvable without costing a fortune thanks to evaporative cooling and UV light.
Evaporative cooling as a low cost, ‘green’ alternative to traditional air conditioning. It cuts the cost of electricity compared to conventional aircon, takes the environment into account and can be installed into all sorts of spaces.
Evaporative cooling draws a constant flow of fresh air over special pads saturated with water. Air will take on as much moisture as it can hold, but it has to give up energy in return. It does that in the form of heat, the so-called latent heat of evaporation, so cool fresh air is blown into the building while warm stale air is extracted. The result is an environmentally friendly cooled space using 90% less energy than traditional air conditioning. The tech itself costs less than ordinary ventilation, too.
Fit ventilation with UVC probe scrubbers and you’ll get double protection – and who doesn’t want a constant supply of clean, scrubbed, fresh air? If you think non-recycled air with no danger or disease is what your Trust’s maternity units deserve, let’s talk.