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It's great to know that we have the vote of a respected physicist, who agrees UVC kills Covid. Indermeet Kohli is a physicist studying photomedicine in dermatology at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit. She has some fresh insight into UV light and the novel coronavirus causing havoc around the globe. So does Dr. Jacob Scott, a research physician in the Department of Translational Hematology and Oncology Research at Cleveland Clinic. Thanks to Live Science for the insight.
Ultraviolet light - Used to stop pathogens for decades
Plenty of different studies, across different scientific disciplines, have proved how UV light kills pathogens by messing with their DNA. UV light also works on SARS-CoV-2, the virus behind the pandemic, but you need to make certain the UV light you use is the right wavelength, delivered at the correct dosage, safely, by someone who's been trained to do a proper job.
UVC, the UV light with the shortest wavelength and the highest energy, is the one that hospitals and increasing numbers of other public-facing premises are using as a Covid disinfectant.
The first thing to say here is incredibly important – many of today's at-home UV light devices that claim to kill Covid are unsafe as well as not very effective, as confirmed by Dr. Jacob Scott, a research physician in the Department of Translational Hematology and Oncology Research at Cleveland Clinic.
UVC at a very specific wavelength, namely 254 nanometers, has been a big success in inactivating the H1N1 influenza virus, the SARS-CoV virus, and Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome, MERS. Indermeet Kohli, a physicist studying photomedicine in dermatology at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, says a study published in late June 2020 – awaiting peer review – proves yet again that UVC also eliminates Covid-19.
Point the right kind of UVC-254 light at Covid and it causes damage to the virus' DNA and RNA, which means it can't reproduce so is rendered harmless. But as Kohli says, 'responsible, accurate use' of the light is critical, since UVC's DNA-damaging actions make it very dangerous to human skin and eyes.
Because many home devices come with low quality control, and low levels of accuracy, there's no guarantee they are actually killing the virus. And if you need to disinfect a porous N95 mask, the particulate-filtering respirator worn in hospital settings, it takes a decent-sized dose of UVC-254 nm to kill the virus, something you simply cannot do with a home device.
The dose of UVC needed to kill Covid in a hospital setting depends on the room's shape and size, the shadows that fall in it, the timing of the dose, and the kind of surface being disinfected. The right dosage of UVC requires strict quality assurance and again, at-home devices can't deliver what's needed. They're not precise enough, not controllable enough, and could even lead to 'a false assurance that SARS-CoV-2 has been eliminated when it hasn't'.
Kohli and Scotts' teams are working hard to make PPE UVC disinfection more efficient. Kohli's team advises hospitals and vendors repurposing existing UVC equipment for N95 respirator decontamination. Scott's team has created a machine for small medical facilities along with software to help users take account of a space's geometry. And all over the world we're seeing enquiries for our own machines, designed with safe, proven UVC decontamination in mind for a vast range of organisations and premises.
There's more in the pipeline, with research going on into a different wavelength of UVC called UVC-222, AKA Far-UVC, a wavelength that might not damage human cells at all. There's a lot more digging required. In the meantime, as Kohli says, "used accurately and responsibly, UVC has enormous potential."
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Every business, whether it's a theatre or a sports venue, a dental surgery, cruise ship, gym, nursing home or public transport provider, wants to get back to something as close to normal as possible. Our beautifully designed, sturdy, safe and affordable UVC lights help you do exactly that expertly, with full training provided. Does that sound interesting?