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Viruses are very good at transmitting themselves from person to person, cross contaminating via the air and surfaces. It’s their job. Luckily it’s easier than ever to stop them from spreading.
A certain wavelength of UVC light has been used for decades in healthcare settings around the world. The light damages the DNA and RNA of viruses and other pathogens so badly they can’t reproduce, preventing them from spreading. Over the years the light has probably saved millions of lives. It kills SARS and MERS, hospital acquired infections, Ebola and more. Now it’s increasingly being used to kill covid and its variants.
We make a range of highly effective pathogen-killing UVC lights. First, let’s take a look at our UVC LED Purification Lights, direct fixed static UVC LED units designed to keep people safe from covid and more indoors. Then we’ll explore our Upper Air Germicidal Units (UVGI), the popular UVC LED Steriliser Units that deliver excellent Indirect Fixed Air Sterilisation to indoor spaces.
UVC LED Purification Lights 50, 100, 150 or 200W Unit Direct Fixed Surface Sterilisation
Our direct fixed static UVC LED units are very easy to install. Once in place they automatically disinfect the air and surfaces whenever the area is unoccupied, and that means you significantly cut the spread of viral and bacterial illnesses, including covid.
How about safety? Not a problem – the clever central microwave sensor makes sure nobody can be exposed to the light while it’s on.
The Silent Guardian range of fixed UVC lamps sanitises any kind of area fast and easily. The power of the lamp drives the speed of the disinfection, automatically calculating the right Time, Intensity and Distance.
Not only does it potentially save lives. Avoiding covid means fewer people end up suffering from Long Covid. It means fewer days off sick. And, in a litigious world, it means you stand less chance of infecting a member of the public, a supplier or visitor on your premises, then being sued for not taking enough precautions to keep them safe. As you can imagine, clean, virus-free air is also great for productivity.
Our CT-X1 UV LED Air Disinfection Unit
The CT-X1 is one of a family of three popular ceiling units, also including the CT-X2 and the CT-X3. All three Upper Air Germicidal Units act as powerful UVC LED Steriliser Units providing Indirect Fixed Air Sterilisation. Installed high up, they stop the cross contamination of viruses and germs by cutting the viral load in the air right back.
As an upper air steriliser, it’s safe to keep the CT-X1 on all the time. It disinfects the upper air in a space continually, which is then naturally circulated to protect people in the area. This makes it perfect for constant disinfection in offices, schools, medical settings, shops, and anywhere else people gather.
By doing their thing, our upper air germicidal units help make clean air is norm rather than the exception. If, like many, your building isn’t well ventilated in the first place, it integrates into the fabric of the building.

Want to know more?
To find out how our units will keep your business premises safer from covid and other pathogens, get in touch.