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If you have questions about how UVC light is so good at killing the novel coronavirus, here are some answers for you. Welcome to our Covid-19 and UVC disinfection FAQ.
Your Covid disinfection questions, answered
Q - Does UVC light kill the coronavirus?
A – Yes, UV light has amazing virus-killing powers, particularly good at killing coronaviruses like SARS and MERS, as well as Hospital Acquired Infections and Ebola.
Q – How do you know it works?
A – Humans have known about the germ-killing properties of UCV for thousands of years. Hospitals have using it to reliably kill pathogens for a long time before the Covid-19 virus arrived, and the technology is proven. It works.
Q – Is UVC light safe for humans?
A – No! UVC light is usually almost completely absorbed by the Earth's atmosphere, but we harness it to kill germs. Our UVC lights are designed for use in empty spaces, only safe to use when there's nobody in a room, but they work fast so you won't have to stay out of the way for very long.
Q – How does it kill, exactly?
A – UVC kills microorganisms by destroying the nucleic acids in their cells, damaging their DNA beyond repair and rendering them unable to reproduce.
Q – How far does the light reach?
A – Wherever the light touches, it disinfects. Which means it easily disinfects the places and things that people tend to touch. Our lights are designed so you can shine them in many different directions.
Q – How long does it take to disinfect a room?
A – It depends on the size of the room, but you'll probably be surprised at how quick it is.
Q – Does UVC light have any other uses?
A – Yes, it's also used to remove dangerous chemicals like chloramines and ozone, too.
Q – What about any commercial advantages? How will my business benefit?
A - Disinfecting UVC light means you can handle more customers in a safer way.
Q – What about the environment?
A - We use clean, simple LEDs instead of fluorescent tech or xenon gas. This means our lights don't give off any dangerous mercury vapour.
Q – Don't UVC lights cost a fortune?
A – Some do, but not ours. You can shave literally thousands of pounds off the cost of competing machines because ours use LED solid state lighting.
Q – Can't we just wait for it all to be over and done with, and everything's back to normal?
A – Of course! But you'll have a long wait now the disease has become endemic, like flu, and is predicted to keep on circulating for years to come.
Q – Can't I just hire a load of cleaners?
A – Yes, but it will probably cost you more in the long run than a UVC machine, and sadly human cleaners and the cleaning fluids they use are rarely - if ever - as super-effective as a specially-designed UVC light. It's also worth remembering that using humans to clean spaces puts them at risk of infection.
Q – What about the law – could I get sued if someone gets infected while visiting the business or premises?
A – We predict there will eventually be legal cases brought against organisations that don't properly protect their workers and customers. Obviously it's worth avoiding expensive legal action if you possibly can – it can be a business-killer.
Q – Can I see the lights in operation?
A - Yes, take a look at the video below. It's honestly this simple.
Any more questions?
We're proud of our technology, the way it works, and the excellent price. If you have any more questions we'll be pleased to talk UVC with you.