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Professor Steve Griffin at Leeds University is worried about Covid. In his words, “Another wave is building.”
The fact that comparatively few people bothered to have their spring booster jab could make things a lot worse because, in his words, “There is a considerable difference between the current vaccines and circulating viruses."
So has Covid complacency put us in danger?
Covid is just like the common cold. It keeps on morphing, leaving vaccines lagging behind, making them ever-less effective as time passes and new variants arise. This diminishing immunity of the general population is one reason why Covid is spreading again. And it looks like that’s where the future lies. According to Paul Hunter, an epidemiology expert at the University of East Anglia, we’re all going to catch Covid repeatedly, from birth to death, in exactly the same way as we catch the common cold.
Right now the UK is on the brink of a wave. Covid deaths rose by 26.4% in the week leading to 7th June, going from 110 to 139. In the week leading to 12th June cases rose by 7.8%, with 2053 people reporting infections. Covid-led hospital admissions shot up from 2.67 people per 100,000 to 3.31 per 100,000. On 26th June testing revealed 1 in 25,000 people were probably infected.
On the bright side, the severity of the illness itself has dropped significantly despite the surge in infections and hospitalisations driven by the new variants KP2, KP3 and J1, known collectively as FLiRT.
The UKHSA is keeping a close eye on the new strains and the latest government advice is to self-isolate for 5 days if you catch any of them, keeping it under control and helping vulnerable people stay safe. There’s a new map to check, to see how the wave is going in your area. You can check it out here.
Most people being hospitalised so far are in the 85 plus age group and there are increases in other age groups too, for people aged 75 – 84 and 65 – 74. We’re also seeing more cases in most of the younger age groups, which is concerning because it’s summertime. Hopefully the wave will be over by the time the winter arrives, when flu, colds and Covid tend to spread faster because we’re all indoors.
This is the perfect time to remind everyone who runs a business that our UVC light units, which run on a special wavelength that kills a huge number of pathogens, kills Covid fast. And that means it’s a reliable way to keep your employees healthy, minimise sick days, keep production going, keep visitors and suppliers who visit your place safe and, of course, protect your customers if you run a public-facing company.
Our UVC sanitising units also happen to be a bargain to buy, easy to fit and retrofit, super-cheap to run because they use LEDs to generate the light, and come with barely any maintenance. Some of them are fitted, others are portable. We have special units for vehicle disinfection, and even an in-duct air purification probe.
Covid clearly isn’t going to go away, nor are most of the other pathogens on our Kill List. If you’d like to relax in the knowledge you’re doing everything possible to
keep people safe from all these illnesses, give us a call or email us to arrange a chat.