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Scientists say covid won’t be going away. It’s with us for good now, like flu and norovirus. But it’s clearly worth avoiding covid if you possibly can. And the more of us do what we can to keep it at bay, the better the future will be for everyone.
According to government figures we saw 6,551 new covid cases and 228 new deaths in UK on 6th May. Weekly new cases totalled 83,440 and 1 in 124.4 of us are suffering from covid at the moment. Best of all, we’re seeing reports that the number of new cases is reducing quite quickly.
It looks like we’re entering another fallow period, a time where covid is on the run. And that’s great news. Unless another variant arises and flattens us again, or we see more surges, we could be heading for a safer summer than we’ve had for a couple of years.
On the other hand home grown tourists streaming across the nation for staycations – and visitors from abroad – could see covid spikes developing in popular holiday hotspots. At the same time
The Guardian reports how people who have been hospitalised with the virus can suffer from difficulties in thinking ‘comparable in magnitude to ageing 20 years’.
So what can you do, as a business that employs people, maybe an office or factory? What about if you run a business that welcomes the public into the premises?
Say a shop, theatre, salon, gym, school, cinema or clinic? Is there anything you can do to help the UK suppress covid through the summer and beyond?
The answer is ‘yes’. Every business can help stop covid in its tracks and therefore help the entire nation. It’s the decent thing to do. And it won’t cost you a fortune to play a vital part in keeping the virus from raising its ugly head above the parapet again.
How do you do that? Easy. Our brilliant hygienic UVC lights are chemical-free. They disinfect any room, of any size, in no time. They are affordable, easy to fit, easy to use, and come with almost no maintenance. And they’re already used by more than 100 blue chip companies of every size.
Thanks to our covid killing lights you’ll play a vital part in the country’s future. Any covid particles breathed out by an infected person will be quickly killed by safe, powerful UVC light, provided via long-lasting, low-energy LED bulbs. The light damages the DNA and RNA inside covid and other viruses and pathogens quickly and efficiently. Because it can’t spread, it’s dead.
Our lights handle much more than covid, though. The particular wavelength of light we use in our hygienic UVC lamps also makes nasties like flu, E. Coli, SARS, MERS, Ebola, norovirus and salmonella inactive without the use of chemicals. Our lamps disinfect surfaces, equipment and the air itself to kill off environmental pathogens. They even take care of horrific hospital acquired infections like MRSA.
There’s a big benefit for your business. Our lights will disinfect every surface in your premises. A single cycle reduces viruses and pathogens dramatically, saving you a fortune in staff healthcare, sick pay, days off, lost production, and less revenue.
So it looks like doing the decent thing comes with all-round financial, social, and economic benefits. If you’d like to take steps to help the UK recover – and stay recovered – get in touch. We’ll be pleased to discuss the potential with you, and provide a quote you’ll love.