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UV light has been used to stop pathogens for decades. It works beautifully against the SARS-CoV-2 virus we're all battling right now. But many of the hand-held at-home devices you can buy are simply not safe.
You need a machine that will deliver the exact right dosage, at the ideal wavelength, and it isn't simple.
The three types of UV light
UV radiation comes in three different wavelengths, namely UVA, UVB and UVC. Most of the radiation that gets to our planet is UVA, the rest is mostly trapped by the ozone layer before it can reach us. UVC comes with the shortest wavelength and the highest energy, and that's why it's so good as a disinfectant.
UVC at the specific wavelength of 254 nanometers has been widely and successfully used to inactivate H1N1 flu, SARS and MERS. It also eliminates covid 19 by causing lesions in the virus' RNA and DNA, which means it can't reproduce. But responsible, accurate use is crucial for safety.
Because UVC damages DNA and RNA, it's also dangerous for humans and other animals. That's why UVC disinfection technologies should be carefully evaluated for safety by experts before being let loose on the public. And that's why our technology is proving o popular. It's proven to work, well designed, practical, affordable and does a fantastic job safely. Unlike the hand-held and at-home devices that keep popping up online.
The dangers of at-home UVC covid disinfection devices
Home UVC lamps can easily damage your skin and eyes. Low quality control means you also risk them simply not doing what they're supposed to do, leaving you in a dangerously vulnerable position with no guarantee you're effectively killing the virus. You might feel safe but you could actually be at great risk.
While UVC does kill the virus, you need the right dose for the right amount of time. Our machines are configured to allow the operator to safely deliver the right dose of light to cater for the unique shape of each room, the shadows it contains, the materials that need to be cleansed, and the timing of the dose. At-home devices simply cannot offer this kind of essential precision.
Other ways to use UVC against covid are being explored
At the moment people around the world are working hard to make the UVC disinfection of personal protective equipment itself more efficient. Others, like us, have developed reliable machines that can be used by medical facilities and businesses, run on clever software that calculates the most effective dose of UVC. We're also hearing news about the eventual potential installation of UVC units in ceilings to decontaminate circulating air in heating, cooling and air exchange systems.
It is clear that, when used properly and responsibly, UVC has enormous potential. The key is to make intelligent, science-led choices around the technologies you use to deliver it. We can help you with that.
You can trust us to provide machinery that works beautifully to disinfect your spaces safely.