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According to the UN, covid cost the world ‘the equivalent of 255 million jobs’ in 2020, almost four times the jobs lost during the 2009 global financial crisis. Here in the UK, the ONS says those with the highest rates of sickness absence during 2022 included women, older workers, those with long-term health conditions, people working part-time, and people working in care, leisure, and other service occupations.
In December 2022 the
Telegraph reported how respiratory infections like colds, ‘super colds’, and flu were causing more work absences than covid. In the last week in November 2022, 1,043,965 working days were lost in the UK to coughs, colds and flu, costing the economy £143 million according to the employee wellness and performance analysis experts at Goodshape. And, again
according to the ONS, respiratory conditions overtook mental health issues as the fourth biggest reason for being off sick through 2022, more than twice the number seen before the pandemic.
Food-borne illnesses are also having a profound effect on sickness absence and consumer health. As the Microbiology Society says,
“The number of cases of food-borne illness remains high with an estimated 1 million people in the UK becoming infected each year. The symptoms, including vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain and fever, are not only unpleasant; they also cost an estimated £1.5 billion a year in lost working days and medical care. Most food-borne illness is preventable. Preventing food poisoning is the responsibility of everyone in the chain from the plough to the plate.”
World Health Organisation says almost one in ten people fall ill because of contaminated food each year. 420,000 of us die as a result of it, 125,000 of whom are children. It’s terrible for humans, and it’s also catastrophic for food businesses.
Take the US Mexican food chain Chipotle, which saw quarterly profits plummet by 44% in 2015 thanks to a series of food poisoning scares. The company’s value went down by $11 billion and it didn’t recover its losses until 2019.
It could easily happen to your business. Maybe your foodservice supply company ends up making hundreds of people ill, decimating its reputation and profits. Perhaps your office-led business loses an unusual number of working days thanks to food-borne illnesses, crashing your targets and undermining your bottom line. Cross-contamination might lead to allergic reactions that send people to hospital, maybe even to the morgue. You might be sued, lose a big customer, or simply be unable to fulfil customer orders because of rampant staff illness.
There’s a simple, affordable solution to all this
Our UVC disinfection units are a reliable way to stop infections in their tracks. Fit UVC in the food production chain, from end to end, and you can dramatically reduce the risk of food-borne and other infections. Fit it in public areas where customers gather – a shop, a train, a restaurant, a theatre, a sports club, hotel or gym – and it’ll kill of a huge list of threats quickly and efficiently, leaving your business able to operate and its bank balance protected from legal action.
If you fit UVC disinfection and your competitors don’t? You win. When the next pandemic hits you’ll be ahead of the game, prepared to keep on making a profit, able to reassure consumers and employees that your premises is clean and safe.