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Uncertainty is probably the hardest thing of all for most businesses to handle in a Covid context. Lockdowns are one thing, not knowing what'll happen after the latest lockdown is another. The same goes with the Tier system. Who knows what will happen next? Apply the shifting sands of a pandemic whose progress can't be predicted to the mix and businesses of all sizes and types are left hanging. And being left hanging, with no way to make plans, is very hard to cope with.
The same goes for consumers. We're being tasked with making decisions we've never had to face before, in a landscape that keeps on changing. Even the familiar decisions we're used to making have changed thanks to the virus. Some things are scarce, some things don't matter much any more, other things have become urgent.
In some respects decision-making has been speeded up as consumers grab things now in case there's none left later. We're struggling to cope with new ways of buying the things we need and doing the things we want to do. We spend more time than we used to wondering whether now is really the right time to make that purchase, do that thing, visit that place.
We’re facing a perfect storm of unpredictability
Roll it all together and what do you get? We're living through a perfect storm of uncertainty. Adding some predictability back into our world is one way to start the healing process. As Google says:
“In a world where people are having to cope with unprecedented uncertainty, a brand that can assist consumers at the exploration stage of their purchasing journey and help them evaluate their options, is providing something truly valuable to their customers.”
Are you one of those businesses, an organisation that can provide certainty in today's topsy-turvy, all-over-the-place world?
We are.
Thanks to our reliable, affordable, highly effective and predictable UVC sanitation technology, your business can enjoy a level of certainty. Which in turn means you can also offer a good level of certainty to your employees as well as the consumers who engage with your business.
How we help businesses of every size achieve a level of certainty
Wheel it into the room. Switch it on. Leave the room for a few minutes, to a timescale calculated according to the size of the space. Come back in, switch off the machine, and the entire space has been disinfected.
People enter the space, do what they want to do, then leave. You repeat the UVC disinfection process.
Our UVC lights are custom-made to kill off Covid-19, although they also kill any number of other horrible pathogens that cause diseases. Hospitals have been using the same type of light for years to disinfect their premises. Our lights feature the most effective wavelength of all, the wavelength most likely to kill the most pathogens. It even makes Ebola harmless, along with horrific Hospital Acquired Infections like MRSA.
Here's a simple example. One dental surgeon says she has been able to get back to almost-normal patient numbers thanks to our machine. Before she used it she was only able to treat a reduced number of patients, with long breaks in between each person while cleaning and sanitising took place. The level of certainty she now has means the surgery can thrive despite Covid surges and spikes.
Can we help your business realise a brighter future despite Covid? It costs nothing to talk, so get in touch and we'll see how we can help you.