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Have you noticed fewer people, governments and businesses talking about 'getting back to normal'? The progress of the virus is, if anything, less predictable than ever, and experts of many kinds are saying that going back to our pre-virus ways is both impossible and not particularly desirable. Here are some thoughts about what our post-covid future might look like.
Booster jabs hint there's no such thing as 'post-covid'?
The NHS is starting to talk about a third wave of booster jabs this autumn, designed to handle new threats like the South African variant. This is how the world already deals with influenza, giving free flu jabs to the vulnerable every winter, the jab depending on which of the common flu coronaviruses is the most prevalent at the time. We could easily find ourselves having winter covid jabs for the rest of our lives.
Climate change means we can't just go back to normal
Before covid we were entering a desperate climate crisis. We still are, but fortunately the virus has provided an essential breathing space, time for a kind of global awakening. This has allowed humanity to realise it is in fact possible to stop doing what we've been doing quite quickly, and take a different tack. We will be flying less than ever before, taking holidays in our home countries more than ever before, and genuinely promoting renewables over fossil fuels as renewables become ever-more profitable compared to oil, gas and coal.
Working from home is the new normal
Millions of us were forced to work from home during lockdown one, and millions of us have decided it's the best way going forwards. No more getting up at stupid o' clock in the morning for a long and climate-unfriendly commute, what joy! Some of us hate not interacting with our colleagues and customers, but many of us are happier at work than we have ever been before.
The end of air-kissing!
If, like many Brits, you never really felt at ease with air-kissing, being kissed hello and goodbye, even being kissed by people you've never met before, you'll be feeling happier than you did before the virus struck. Even traditional hand-shaking has become far too risky. The new habit of steering mostly clear of strangers, calling 'hello' across six feet of empty space instead of kissing and hugging, is apparently a huge relief to plenty of us. Will it carry over to a post-covid reality? !
Age-related changes to the way we live
The older you are, the less happy you are to take risks around your health as regards covid. Will we eventually see some sort of split society where younger people go out and about more and older people spend more time indoors? Maybe we'll see restaurants, pubs, venues and destinations targeting older people, and others targeting younger customers? Maybe some businesses will welcome in older people on some days, younger people on different days? It's an interesting thought.
Living with animals
This virus, like many others, developed thanks to a dangerous intimacy between humans and animals. The way humanity treats animals has to change. We must treat our fellow creatures with a lot more respect and consideration in future.
Prepared for the next pandemic
32 million people, so far, have died in the ongoing AIDS pandemic. Ebola has a terrifying death rate of more than 80%. The world had a very lucky escape over SARS and MERS, both deadly coronaviruses. Scientists have been warning governments about potential deadly pandemics for decades, but nobody took the warnings seriously. This pandemic was widely predicted, and we did know it could happen. In fact we knew it would happen. Scientists say there will be another pandemic. It's only a matter of time. Hopefully next time we'll be better prepared.
Until then, prepare yourself for the coming covid-19 ride – whatever it might lead to – with our UVC covid disinfection machines, affordable and brilliantly effective. This isn't just a machine, it's actually a life saver and a business saver.